Epomaker Tide75 Review

Epomaker Tide75 under the caps

Epomaker is at it again, sending out more keyboards to review. This time we have something a bit more traditional, with a few bells and whistles to add to the fun, all available for around $120. Join me as I take a look through the Epomaker Tide75.

Epomaker TH80 PRO V2 Via Review

Epomaker TH80 Pro V2 Switches

As a person who puts a lot of extra effort into their analog writing experience, it should come as no surprise that I am also constantly seeking ways to improve my digital writing that is required for my day job. Over the past few years I've gone deeper and deeper into the Mechanical Keyboard hobby, I even reviewed one a while back. In that time I have experimented with different formats, tested an assortment of switch types, and bought way too many keycaps to the point where I have a pretty good idea of what I want and what I enjoy from a mechanical keyboard. So when Epomaker reached out with an opportunity to review their TH80 Pro V2 Via board, it was a pretty easy yes. I'm really excited to get into this one, so without any more preamble, let's get into it.